ublox GPS Module with Antenna TTL Signal Output


34 in stock


VK16U6 ublox GPS Module with Antenna TTL Signal Output

Product Highlights:

(1) Data Rate: 9600 bps (default) [Optional: 1200,2400,4800,19200,38400,57600,115200,230400,460800,921600]
2 output statement: NMEA 0183 V3.0 (GGA, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG, GLL) protocol data can be arbitrarily set match.
3 Data refresh rate: 1Hz-5Hz refresh rate.
4.PPS indicator: Do not position before the light is on or off; positioning flashes.
AGPS: Support independent auxiliary positioning system.
6. Enable control: support external IO trigger the switching state of the control module.
7 satellite quality control: a rich set of satellite quality control and prevent elegant software settings.
8 scenarios: from the walking mode – Car mode – static mode – portable mode – airborne mode and 2D & 3D locate the user can freely set.


Type: VK16U6
The main chip: ublox,
C / A code 1.023MHz code stream
Receive bands: L1 [1575.42 MHz]
Tracking channels: 50

Positioning performance

2D plane: 5m [average]
2D plane: 3.5m [average], DGPS auxiliary.
Drift: <0.02m / s
Timing accuracy: 1us
Reference coordinate system: WGS-84
Maximum Altitude: 18,000 m
Maximum speed: 500 m / s
Acceleration: <4g
Electrical properties:
Tracking Sensitivity:-162dBm
Acquisition sensitivity:-146dBm
Cold start time: 32s [average]
Warm start: 32s [average]
Hot start time: 1s [average]
Recapture Time: 0.1s [average]
Operating temperature:
-30 Degree to 80 Degree
Package size:
28 * 28 * 8.4mm;
Line length 2m


Output data baud rate 9600bps

Protocol data output SiRF binary data or NMEA 0183 V3.0 (GGA, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG)